Friday, July 05, 2024

Tracking Bobby Dean

We have a new MP, and so I thought I'd keep an eye on what he delivers vs what he said he would.
These are taken from his website and election materials sent out in the run up to his selection


The NHS is special and I will always stand up for it. That's why I am fighting to:

  • Stop Conservative plans to cut A&E and Maternity at St Helier Hospital and deliver a new building and urgent repairs instead.
  • Recruit more GPs and cut GP appointment waiting times.
  • Give carers a pay rise and fix the social care funding crisis.


My plan would make our economy stronger and fairer: 

  • Boost high street businesses by reforming business rates.
  • Cut energy bills, funded by a windfall tax on oil and gas firms’ profits.
  • Build 150,000 new council homes across the UK every year and strengthen rights for renters.


Our environment is precious and I am determined to protect it. I'm calling for real action to:

  • Stop sewage dumping in the River Wandle and ban bonuses for water bosses.
  • Insulate more homes, including free retrofits for low-income families.
  • Invest significantly in renewable power so that 80% of the UK’s electricity is generated from renewables by 2030.


My plan would give every child the best possible start in life:

  • Increase school funding per pupil above the rate of inflation every year.
  • Affordable childcare available to all with properly funded placements.
  • Put a qualified mental health professional in every school, making sure every child has someone they can turn to for help.


My plan would keep Sutton one of the safest boroughs in London:

  • Restore proper community policing, where officers are visible, trusted and focused on preventing and solving crimes.
  • Make sure all burglaries are attended by the police and properly investigated.
  • Invest in the criminal justice system to tackle the backlog of court cases.


My career in international affairs makes me passionate about Britain's role in the world. I will:

  • Continue to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and work towards a two-state solution
  • Reverse cuts to the Army and ensure we meet our NATO commitments and obligations to Ukraine
  • Reinstate the 0.7% target for International Development and bring back DFID as its own department

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Tracking Bobby Dean

We have a new MP, and so I thought I'd keep an eye on what he delivers vs what he said he would. These are taken from his website and el...