Sunday, March 20, 2005


Not to be confused with...

Consonant. A film about a letter of the alphabet torn between 2 worlds, that of the living and that of the dead.


Clementine. A film in which Keanu Reeves plays a citrus fruit who kills demons in an attempt of getting the forgiveness from Satan.


Continent. A film in which Rachel Weisz stars alongside a large land mass and has a scene with her almost drowning.

The film itself was alright and you could tell it had been adapted from a comic book as there is a good story. Forget the fact the Movie Execs moved it from UK to LA and that Keanu took the place of a blond scouse. The film does seem to lose its way in places but the effects make up for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't particularly enjoy it - seemed very like "ooh, it's Keanu, we'd better stick him in a long flowing coat and do some slow-mo bits" with a quasi religious plot which ought to have the "Jerry Springer Opera Haters" out in force...

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